Imaginative conversions

For years, I was involved with Christian theater. In fact, three of my acquaintances became Christians through evangelistic drama and films. Later, the first became a Marxist. The second became a Rotarian. The third murdered his wife.

3 thoughts on “Imaginative conversions

  1. I’m honored that you commented, Dr. Kuritz. Perhaps the problem was that these people weren’t changed at all. In that sense, only the Spirit of God can change people. Theater is certainly more interesting than typical Sunday morning ministries, so it’s easy to think of it as less dependent on the Spirit of God. I know I was subtly fooled by that.

  2. Only God can change a person’s heart. Sometimes He chooses to use a play or a film; sometimes He doesn’t. And He works retail – He may decide to use a play or film for one person and not another.
    God works according to His ways. I find that alternatingly both annoying and a great relief.
    I always find something worth my time on your website, by the way.

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