The Purpose-Driven Boomer

In Michael Spencer’s article, A Contrarian Manifesto for the Church Growth Debate, he says, “I don’t care about the Purpose-Driven Church, the Emergent Church, the Seeker Church, The Church-Growth Church or any other trendy moniker. I’m into the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. If baby boomers want their own church, with everything done their way so they don’t have to share with the rest of Christianity, fine. Go have your play date. I’m hanging with the big dogs of Christian history and passing on the hot dogs of American evangelicalism.”

But any criticism cuts both directions. Continue reading “The Purpose-Driven Boomer”

How not to go to Helena, Montana

You can’t drive north by always driving south. It doesn’t matter how quickly or carefully you drive. You can’t drive both east and west. You can’t drive north by always driving west. The residents of Helena, Montana, would love to have you visit, but you won’t get there if you never take the road to Helena. If you sincerely want to visit Helena but drive 100 miles to the east of it, you won’t arrive where you want to go, and it’s nobody’s fault but your own. In the same way, God doesn’t want to lose you, but if you go everywhere but to him, you shouldn’t blame him for what eventually happens to you.

Feeding frenzy or feeding friends

James Ferrenberg, an Eastern Orthodox “sinner and extremist” who writes Paradosis, offers this personal story:

A couple of nights ago while praying over our meal, I flubbed the Lord’s Prayer:

“Give us this day our daily bread, as we forgive those who trespass against us.”

It occurred to me later that I am going to starve.

Talking Greek to me

When she received a touching story via email from her daughter, Elva said:

“You young people with your e-mails! (laughs) I’m elevated and happy that they can send such beautiful things. (laughs) When they talk about e-mails, I don’t understand what they’re talking about. They’re talking Greek to me.”