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[Mention of the inquisition which from the year 1492 continued to 1660. It is noticed for the year 1501.

Persecution of the orthodox Christians in Hungary briefly, and plainly shown, for the year 1507.

Two years after this, there is brought to remembrance another persecution of the same people, in the principality of Mecklenburg, near Mooren, two years later, presented and noted for the year 1509.

Several persons who opposed popery in various points of doctrine; as, Nicholas Rus, Bernhard Liblinensis, John Picus, John Hilten, William Budaeus, John Bugenhagius, etc.; some of whom also felt the sting of the Roman scorpion, referred to in a note for the years 1509, 1510, 1512, 1513, 1520, etc.

The decree which by the Romanists was published, in the Netherlands, against all who believed otherwise than the Roman church, and what misery resulted thereupon, circumstantially noticed for the year 1521.

In a note for the year 1522 mention is made of Charles Stadius, and for the year 1524, of Henry Zutphaniensis, touching their faith and death.

Beginning of the old Martyrs' Mirror of the Defenseless Christians, together with the emendation from various creditable chronicles, memoirs, testimonies, etc.

The first martyrs mentioned are Hans Koch and Leonhart Meister; both of whom lost their lives for the truth of the holy Gospel, at Augsburg, A. D. 1524.

Then follow so great multitude of professors of Christ, who gave their lives for His name's sake; as well as so great a number of accounts of bloody decrees, examinations, sentences, and memorable memoirs, that it is impossible to enumerate them. From the year 1524 until 1597, almost until theclose of the century, the pious martyrs were apprehended, tormented, and put to death by fire, water, sword, burying alive; with which last manner of death this century is concluded.]

A great door is opened unto us to the arena of the martyrs and blessed followers of Jesus. None of the previous persecutions endured by the orthodox martyrs are to be compared to the present one. We have come through the time of fifteen centuries, each consisting of one hundred consecutive years; but we must confess that we did not meet with what we have seen, or, at least, that which we shall see here. The length of the time, the severity of the persecution, and the number of the martyred persons shall testify to this.

It is true, that fifteen hundred years extend over a longer period of time than about a hundred and fifty of like years; and that the persecutions which occurred during this long time, when put in the balance, would be heavier than this last one, as well as the number of the persons who were persecuted; but never in the preceding fifteen centuries did any persecution continue for so long a time without alleviation; never was there in so short (though actually long) a time so much innocent blood shed; never were there in so small a space so many dark prisons, deadly tribunals, scaffolds, fiery stakes, and. other instruments of death erected and made use of as were at this time in Germany and in the Netherlands.

To prove this, without unnecessary words, we will forthwith enter upon our task, beginning with Germany, and ending with the Netherlands.


The inquisition of which we gave an account in the first book, for the year 1492, continued against the orthodox believers, as is firmly believed, even until this time; so that many who were subjected to the same, and remained steadfast, had to suffer themselves to be put to death; who, in the sight of God, came to an honorable, but in the eyes of the world, a shameful and not less miserable end, but who shall hereafter, with Christ their Saviour (who herein preceded them), be clothed with everlasting honor and joy, yea, be crowned as victorious kings in the heavenly Zion, according to His promise, "Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life." Rev. 2:10.

Concerning the beginning of this inquisition see the first book, for the year 1492, and how the same continued until this time and long after, compare Hist. Georg., lib. 6. Pieter Bor, lib. 3. Orsprong der Nederlandtsche Beroeyten, fol. 9-12. Tooneel Nicol., fol. 87. Guil. Merulae, Tract. 9, 47. Eman. van Met. (old edition), fol. 40. Retuald. Gonsalv, in de H. Spanish Inquisition throughout. Hist. Wenc., fol. 187. Chron. Phil. Mel., lib. 5. Hist. 250-410, 155,313

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Alons. de hlb., lib. 2, with Chron. van Ondergang, page 899, col. 1, 2, page 900, col. 1, 2.

HUNGARY, A. D. 1507

That the old Waldenses, or orthodox believers, whose sound confession we have shown elsewhere, were now severely oppressed and persecuted in Hungary; insomuch that they were necessitated to deliver a defense of their faith against the unfounded accusations on account of which they suffered persecution, to Uladislaus, King of Bohemia, we have partly shown in the Account of Holy Baptism, for the year 1507, and it is confirmed by H. Boxhorn, in his tract concerning this matter, fol.27; compared with P. J. Twisck, Chron., page 930, col. 2.

MOOREN, A. D. 1509

A. D. 1509, old writers state, that the aforementioned old Waldenses, on account of the envy of the pope and papists, could no longer .enjoy their liberty in confessing and practicing their true belief, in the principality of Mecklenburg, near Mooren. See the last-mentioned chronicle, page 937,col. 2, ex Catal. Test., fol. 902.

NOTE. A. D. 1509.-At this time, Nicholas Rus vigorously taught and wrote against the pope, saying: 1. That letters of indulgence were nothing but subtle deceptions to rob the plain and simple people of their money. 2. That the pope does not have as much power as people suppose. 3. That the popes, cardinals, bishops, and prelates were leading lascivious lives, etc. 4. That saints ought not to be invoked.* This Nicholas had many hearers in the principality of Mecklenburg, but from necessity, because of the papists, was soon compelled to leave the place. He went to Wismar, but there also he had no abiding place. See the authors last mentioned, for the year 1509.

A. D. 1510.-Bernhard Liblinensis taught and wrote at this time: 1. That it is impossible that the whole world should obey a single man, as is the pope. 2. That the popes themselves were not of one mind; for the one prohibits that which another has instituted to be observed. 3. That therefore it is sufficient to believe in Christ, and to obey Him alone. Chron. van den Ondergang, page 939, eol. 2, compared with Catal. Test., fol. 911. However, what befell him as punishment from the pope on this account, is not stated.

A. D. 1512.-John Picus, John Hilton, and others, vigorously spoke at this time against the abuses of popery, severely reproving their (the popes) life, deeds, and doctrine. However, what they suf-

*This fourth article the writers enumerate as the third.

fered because of this, is not indicated. See the last mentioned chronicle, page 946, col. 1; also Joh. Munst., fol. 203, 204.

A. D. 1513.-William Budaeus, a very learned man in France, wrote at this time in a book: 1. The popes and bishops originate war between princes and potentates; while they by rights ought to advise and help to peace. 2. They fill the world with pride, avarice, gluttony, drinking, lasciviousness, whoredom, adultery, and other shameful things, surpassing in these vile deeds the laity. 3. They are Epicures, who do not care for eternal life, as they show by their works; and they are to their hearers the cause of eternal damnation. As to the end or death of this man, however, we have likewise found no account. Compare P. J. Twisck, Chron., page 949, col. 1, with Catal. Test., fol. 908. Joh. Munst., fol. 208.

A. D.1520.-John Bugenhagius, surnamed Pomeranus, a remarkably kind and moral man, was at this time very well known through his writings. Among other things he says, in a little book, treating of Unborn Infants, that men erred for twelve centuries with regard to infants, whom (by rights) they could not, yet greatly desired to, baptize. Two days before his death there was an eclipse of the sun. He died at Wittenberg, aged 73 years. Compare the last-mentioned chronicle, page 985, col. 1, with Leonh., lib. 7. Jac. herh. A f b., fol. 28, 30, 32.

The time now draws near, when the account of the last of those who suffered death, in our old Book of Martyrs begins. We speak of those who gave their lives for the truth since the great Reformation, or, at least, since the establishment of the worship of God in the year 1524, and from that time forward. In the meantime it will be well for us to notice that the martyrs of whom we shall speak were of the profession of the Waldenses, even as were the preceding ones, of whom we have previously spoken. All the labor which we took upon ourselves from the middle of the twelfth century, tended to follow the line of these people. This has been our aim continually up to the present time, and, in this, as we hope, we have not been unsuccessful; yea, we trust that we have shown this to a certainty. In the meantime the intelligent, to whom we gladly submit the matter, may judge with regard to it. The first work which is now before us, is to unite the first martyrs with the last, and to follow up what we have written with that which was written before. In order to give no offense to any one, we intend to leave the old accounts unchanged, excepting a few discrepancies and typographical errors; as well as what we shall add of our own from the testimonies of old writers; which shall be plainly distinguished. By following this method, we hope to accomplish our purpose successfully.

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About A. D. 1521, at the time of Emperor Charles V., a decree was made and issued by those of the Roman church, on account of the Lutherans and Zwinglians, against all those who were opposed to the Roman profession, and hence, also against the Anabaptists; who were all threatened with cruel punishments of death, as appears from the following account in the Chron. van den Ondergang, p. 975, col. 2.

The account is as follows:*"From it was made, A. D. 1521," says the writer,"the first prohibition or decree concerning religion, and brought into the Netherlands without the consent of the States, etc.; so that they (this and like decrees) were rather tolerated than confirmed by the states; the more so since they were greatly favored by the pope and the clergy, as tending to promote obedience towards the mother-the Roman-church, and generally no complaint was heard from any of the common people against it; that is, against the first.

By virtue of this decree all who believed otherwise than the Roman church, or who had such books in their possession, or harbored such heretics or people, and all those whom the magistrates were commanded to apprehend, were strictly sentenced to death; and not only these, but also all who in any wise were suspected of heresy; every Roman Catholic being required to denounce every suspected person, who, upon the testimony of two witnesses, were, according to the instruction of the judges, sentenced to death, their property confiscated, and one third of it given to the accusers and witnesses, though said witnesses had but little to

say, only so that they were known as good Catholics by their pastor or priest.

If any one from fear took to flight, no one was allowed to intercede for him, or plead his innocence, neither the father for the child, nor brother for brother; but he was condemned on account of his flight, and his property confiscated.

Though one did even desist from his so-called error, and suffered himself to be better in

*In the following a few words are changed, without altering the sense, however.

structed, as it were, by the pastor, according to the Romish manner, he had nevertheless to die. No greater mercy was shown him than that he was not put to death by fire, but executed with the sword.

The women were buried alive, and no judge could mitigate these decrees, unless he was willing to be regarded as a protector of the heretics, and be proceeded against as such.

From this decree (the one first spoken of) made by imperial power and authority, others were produced, and issued, almost every year.

And by virtue of these decrees, none might have in his possession, buy, give, carry, read, or communicate, the doctrines, writings or books, of the Lutherans, Zwinglians, etc. (he also makes mention of the Mennonites), or dispute about them; neither might they confer or dispute with any one about the holy Scriptures, or read the same to others, except (Romish) theologians or doctors of divinity, or those who were properly licensed.

No one was allowed knowingly to receive suspected persons (called heretics) into his house, to lodge them, to give them food, clothes, or money; but had to report them immediately, all on pain of death and confiscation of property.

Extracted from various Biographies of Emperor Charles V, Chron. Mich., 4th part; Chron. Sleyd., lib. 1, 2, to 25; Hist. Alons, Ullw, lib. 1-5; Chron. Hed., fol. 682; Chron. Saxon., fol. 649; Chron. Franc. (old edition), fol. 62, 63; Chron. Petr. Bor., lib. 1. Caprit., lib. 3. Pantal., lib. 3; Hist. der Mart. Doopsges., lib. 1. Eman. van Met., lib. 1; Mer., fol. 960; Chron. Petr. Scriv., fol. 593; D. Andries Hondd., lib. 1, cap. 15; D. Dirck heli., lib. 2; Manl., fol. 255; W. Baud., lib. 16, an old chronicle of the life and deeds of Charles V, throughout, etc.

NOTE.-A. D. 1522, Charles Stadius also declared his views, at this time, among the learned; he secretly held with the Anabaptists, says Leonhard Krantz in his German Chronology, lib. 7. Others, however, ascribe a different belief to him, which is not found with the Anabaptists; namely, that he said, that Christ, through His blood, had also redeemed the (fallen) angels. Conrad Schless, 1st part, cap. 5, compared with P. 7. Twisck, Chron., page 994, col. 2. What happened to him, however, on account of his belief, is not stated.

A. D. 1524.-Henry Zutphaniensis was horribly put to death for the Gospel of Christ, by Ditmarish peasants. See the above cited Chronicle, p. 1001, col. 1. Also, Rab., part 3; Sleyd., lib. 4.

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Old Book

[The following part of Martyrs Mirror was not originally written by van Braght, but was the outgrowth of a compilation from different authors, and published in different editions, which from time to time were enlarged and improved. The original book, as appears from the writings of Samuel W. Pennypacker, of Philadelphia, Pa., was published in Holland, in 1562, under the title, Het Offer des Heeren. Later editions were printed in the years 1567, 1570, 1576, 1578, 1580, 1589, 1595, and 1599. In 1617, a large quarto edition, containing 863 pages, written by Hans de Reis and Jacques Outerman, and printed by Zacharias Cornelisz, at Hoorn, was published, bearing the title, Historie der Warachtighe getuygen Jesu Christi. This book was succeeded by a folio volume of ten hundred fifty-six pages, printed at Haerlem, by Hans Passchiers, von Wesbusch, in 1631, entitled, Martelwrs Spiegel der Werelose Christenen, that is, The Martyrs Mirror of the defenseless Christians. This book, our author, van Braght, embodies as"Second Part," in his own work under the title of The Bloody Theatre, or Martyrs Mirror of the defenseless Christians, as he says, without change, except where some correction was needed, adding, however, such matter as seemed profitable and necessary. This will explain to the reader the above remark, "Old Book."-Publishers.]


From A. D. 1160 until this time (A. D. 1660) we have followed according to our ability the trail and footsteps of the ancient Waldenses, of which we have by no means, until this time, lost sight; neither have we now lost sight of them, but still keep them in view.

This appeared in the case of two pious men of said profession. (which agrees with that of the Anabaptists) who, loving the truth of Christ, which they maintained more than their own lives, were put to death at Augsburg, in Germany, in accordance with the rigor of the court, there, in the year 1524.

Concerning this, we read in Jacob Mehrning's History of Baptism the following words, translated from the German, "From these Bohemian and Moravian Old Waldensian brethren afterwards sprang several excellent men; as, among others, Hans Koch and Leonhard Meister, who were both put to death at Augsburg, A. D. .* Bapt. Hist., page 748.

NOTE.-The year 1160 was the time in which Peter Waldo appeared against popery, at Lyons, in France, and made a sound confession, of which we gave an account in the first book. As regards his descendants, this Hans Koch and Leonhard Meister are counted as none of the least of them; as also, afterwards, Michael Sattler, Leonhard Keyser, John Hut, etc. See Jac. Mehr., Ba¢t. Hist., page 748.

*A. D. 1527, the printer had set it; but it is an error.
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The following earnest prayer to God was spoken by Hans Koch and Leonhard Meister before their death, and left for the consolation of all their fellow believers

O God! behold now from Thy high throne the misery of Thy servants, how the enemy persecutes them because it is their purpose to walk in the narrow way, and how abominably they are scorned. He who learns to know Thee, and holds fast to Thy words, is despised and scorned by them. O God of heaven! we have all sinned before Thee; therefore chastise us in mercy. We beseech Thee, let us enjoy Thy grace, that Thy honor may not be profaned by us before this world, which now seems determined to extinguish Thy Word. We might well have peace with them, if we would not confess Thy holy name, and not believe on Thy Son, that He atoned for us on the cross, bore our sins, and paid our debt. The enemy has no other reason for his daily raging against us, than because we do not fulfill his will, but love Thee, O God, in our hearts, which neither Satan nor his adherents can endure. Therefore they compel us with great distress, and afflict us with much tribulation. Thus, our misdeed, on account of which the enemy fights so hard against us, is, that we place our hope in Thee alone, and in Thy dear Son Christ Jesus, and in the Holy Ghost; therefore we must suffer reproach, because we do not set ourselves against Thee; if we would give ourselves up to idolatry, and practice all manner of wickedness, they would let us live unharmed, in peace and tranquillity. Therefore, O dear Lord, take up arms for us, and judge all those who disregard Thy power and might. If we would deny Thy Word, antichrist would not hate us; yea, if we would believe his false doctrine, follow his error, and walk with the world on the broad road, we would have favor with them; but because we seek to follow Thee, we are hated and forsaken by the world. But though the enemy brings us to torment, it does not happen to us alone, but was also done to Christ our Redeemer; for they afflicted Him first with much reproach and suffering; and thus it was with all p~hat adhered to Him, and believed in His Word. Hence Christ says Himself, "Marvel not, if the world hate you; for it hated me first; they have not received my words; thus shall they also not receive your words. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; and when all these things happen to you, rejoice and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven." Christ comforts us still more through the mouth of His beloved apostles, saying, "If we suffer with him, we shall also rejoice with him, and reign in everlasting joy." What matters it, if we are ridiculed and scorned here for a little while? since God promises us eternal rest and bliss. O Lord, Thou seest and hearest the derision and contumely, and the suffering with which Thy children are afflicted. Thou also knowest their small and feeble ability;therefore we pray Thee, O God, that Thou wouldst protect Thine own honor, and sanctify Thy name, which is now so fearfully profaned by all those who, here on earth, are of high and low estate. Manifest Thy power, that the enemy may perceive and understand Thy divine strength, and may learn to be ashamed. O Lord God, have compassion upon Thy poor sheep, that are scattered, and have no longer a true shepherd who will henceforth teach them. Send them Thy Holy Spirit, that He may feed and satisfy them with Thy grace, and that they may not hearken to the voice of a stranger, unto the end. O God, in Thy high majesty, graciously hear our petition, and do not forsake us, since we are in great tribulation and conflict. Give us steadfast patience through Christ Thy Son, our Captain, who can vanquish Satan with all his host. To Him be honor, and praise to His holy name. Amen.

Matt. 7:14; Ps. 106:6; Dan. 9:5; I Pet. 2:24; Matt. 22:37; I Pet. 4:3; Matt. 7:13; John 17:14; 1 Pet. 4:1; Isa. 53; Matt. 27; Luke 24:26; John 15:18; I John 3:13; Matt. 5:12; Rom. 8:11; II Tim. 2:12; John 10:5.


In this year, also Caspar Tauber, a tradesman and citizen of Vienna, in Austria, was apprehended for the Christian faith; and as he faithfully and steadfastly continued to confess Christ, without apostatizing, he was condemned and burned.

A. D. 1525

At this time not only the papists, but also the Zwinglians or so-called Reformed in the city of Zuerich laid their hands on the innocent and defenseless flock of Christ; yet not, as far as we can learn, punishing them with death, or depriving them of life by the executioner, but confining them under severe imprisonment, until ultimately, as may be inferred, death followed.

However, in order to determine from this time on, what course was to be pursued in this matter, the magistrate of said city ordained, among other things, the following:, "Therefore we ordain and will, that henceforth all men, women, youth, and maidens forsake Anabaptism, and practice it no longer from this time on, and that they have their infants baptized; and whosoever shall act contrary to this public edict, shall, as often as it occurs, be fined one mark silver; and if any should prove utterly disobedient and obstinate, they shall be dealt with more severely; for we shall protect the obedient, and punish the disobedient according to his deserts, without bearing with him any longer. Let everyone act accordingly. All this we confirm by this public document, sealed with the seal of our city, and given on St. Andrew's day, A. D. 1525."

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Compare Chron. van den Ondergang, page 1010, col. with Henr. Bull. against the Anabaptists, lib. 1, cap. 5, 6; also the open letter of the council of Zuerich, published A. D. 1525.

The Zwinglian church at Zuerich, where this decree was made, was at this time only about five years old, and was also subjected to the hatred and persecution of the papists; certainly a lamentable matter, that those who had but a short time before purified themselves in many respects from the leaven of popery and were opposed to the tyranny of the pope, should nevertheless continue, in this respect, united with the papists; that is, in persecuting others who did not have the same faith with them.

Still, it would have been well if they had stopped with this decree, since with one mark of silver one could have atoned for the first offense in neglecting to baptize a child. But this was not the end of it, as a few years later, especially in A. D. 1530, when they became a little bolder, they decreed, that the so-called Anabaptists should be punished with death, which we shall show in its proper place.


Felix Mantz was also an originator of the Reformation of the faith, in Germany, and when he, with great zeal, practiced, taught, and preached, the recognized truth of the Gospel, he was envied, accused, and imprisoned by his adversaries, and finally drowned at Zuerich, for the evangelical truth, thus becoming a witness of the sufferings of Christ. This occurred in the year of our Lord 1526. He left the following admonition to his fellow brethren, for their comfort, "My heart rejoices in God, who gives me much knowledge and wisdom, that I may escape the eternal, and never-ending death. . Therefore I praise Thee, O Lord Christ from heaven,. that Thou dost turn away my sorrow and sadness; Thou whom God has sent me as a Saviour, and for an example and a light, and who has called me into His heavenly Kingdom, already before my end has come, that I should have eternal joy with Him, and should love Him and all His righteousness, which exists here, and which shall endure forever hereafter, and without which nothing avails or subsists; hence so many who do not have this in truth, are deceived by a vain opinion. But alas I how many are found at the present who boast of the Gospel and speak, teach, and preach much about it, but are f ull of hatred and envy, and who have not the love of God in them, whose deceit is known to all the world, as we have experienced in these latter days, that those who have come to us in sheep's clothing are ravening wolves, who hate the pious on the earth, and obstruct the way to life and to the true sheepfold. Thus do the false prophets and hypocrites of this world, who curse and pray with the same mouth, and whose life is disorderly. They call upon the authorities to kill us, by which they destroy the very essence of Christianity. But I will praise the Lord Christ, who exercises all patience towards us; for He instructs us with His divine graces, and shows love to all men, according to the nature of God His heavenly Father, which none of the false prophets are able to do., "Here we must observe this difference, that the sheep of Christ seek the praise of God; this is their choice, and they do not suffer themselves to be hindered either by possessions or temporal good, for they are in the keeping of Christ. The Lord Christ compels no one to come to His glory; only those that are willing and prepared attain unto it by true faith and baptism. Whenever a person brings forth genuine fruits of repentance, the heaven of eternal joys is, through grace, purchased and obtained for him by Christ, through the shedding of His innocent blood, which He so willingly poured out; thereby showing us His love, and enduing us with the power of His Spirit, and whoever receives and uses it grows and is made perfect in God. Only love to God through Christ shall stand and prevail; not boasting, denouncing, or threatening. It is love alone that is pleasing to God: he that cannot show love shall not stand in the sight of God. The true love of Christ shall not destroy the enemy; he that would be an heir with Christ is taught that he must be merciful, as the Father in heaven is merciful. Christ never accused any one, as do the false teachers of the present day; from which it is evident that they do not have the love of Christ, nor understand His Word; and still they would be shepherds and teachers; but at last they will have to despair, when they shall find, that everlasting pain shall be their recompense, if they do not reform. Christ also never hated any one; neither did His true servants, but they continued to follow Christ in the true way, as He went before them. This Light of life they have before them, and are glad to walk in it; but those who are hateful and envious, and do thus wickedly betray, accuse, smite and quarrel, cannot be Christians. They are those who run before Christ as thieves and murderers, and under a false pretense shed innocent blood. By this we may know them that are not on the side of Christ; for they, as children of Belial, prompted by envy, destroy the ordinances of Jesus Christ; even as Cain slew his brother Abel, when God accepted the offerings of Abel.

With this I will finish my discourse, desiring that all the pious be mindful of the fall of Adam, who when he accepted the advice of the serpent, and became disobedient to God, the punishment of death came upon him. Thus it shall also happen to those who do not accept Christ, but resist Him, love this world, and have not the love of God. And thus I close with this that I will firmly adhere to Christ, and trust in Him, who is acquainted with all my needs, and can deliver me out of it. Amen.

I Pet. 5:1; John 16:20; Gal. 5:21; John 5:42; Matt. 7:15; II Thess. 3:7; John 10:3; Acts 2:38;

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Luke 6:36; John 8:12; John 10:1; Gen. 4:8; 3:6; I John 2:15; John 5:42.


George Wagner, of Emmerich, was apprehended at Munich, in Bavaria, on account of four articles of the faith. First, That the priest cannot forgive sins. Secondly, That he does not believe that a man can bring down God from heaven. Thirdly, That he does not believe that God or Christ is bodily in the bread which the priest has upon the altar; but that it is the bread of the Lord. Fourthly, That he did not hold to the belief that water baptism possessed any saving power. As he would not renounce these articles, he was most severely tormented, so that the prince felt great compassion for him, and personally came to him in the prison, and earnestly admonished him thereto, promising that he would call him his friend all his life time. Thus also the tutor of the prince, earnestly admonished him to recant, and likewise made him many promises. Ultimately his wife and child were brought before him in prison in order, on this wise to move him to recant. But neither was he to be moved in this way; for he said that though his wife and child were so dear to him that the prince could not buy them with all his dominion, yet he would not forsake his God and Lord on their account. Many priests and others also came to him, to persuade him; but he was steadfast and immovable in that which God had given him to know. Hence he was finally sentenced to the fire and death.

Having been delivered into the hands of the executioner, and led into the middle of the city, he said, "Today I will confess my God before all the world." He had such joy in Christ Jesus, that his face did not pale, nor his eyes show fear; but he went smilingly to the fire, where the executioner bound him on the ladder, and tied a little bag of powder to his neck, at which he said, "Be it done in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost;" and having smilingly bid farewell to a Christian, who was there, he was thrust into the fire by the executioner, and happily offered up his spirit, on the eighth day of February, A. D. 1527. The sheriff, however, surnamed Eisenreich von Landsberg, while returning home from the place!!of execution, traveling on horseback; purposing to apprehend others of the brethren, died suddenly in the night, and was found dead in his bed in the morning, having thus been removed through the wrath of God.

NOTE.-It is known that Balthasar Pacimontanus opposed infant baptism, and was therefore burned at Vienna, A. D. 1527. See second part of Jacob Mehrning's History of Baptism, page 777, ex Bellarm., Tom. 3, lib. 1, de Bdpt., cap. 8.


This Melchior Vet. was a companion of George Blaurock, who was of the same faith with him, andalso served with him in the Gospel. He was burned in the time of Michael Sattler, at Drache, for the testimony of the faith and of the divine truth, which he boldly confessed.

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