- Publisher's Preface to Third English Edition, 1886
- Publisher's Preface to the English Printing of 1950
- Translator's Preface
- Author's Invocation
- Author's Preface
- To My Beloved Friends and Companions in Christ Jesus Our Saviour
- Of the Greater Danger There Is At This Time, Than in the Bloody and Distressing Times of the Martyrs*
- To the Readers in General
- The Sequel Compared With the Beginning of This History
- Address to the Worldly-Minded
- To the Young, the Middle-Aged, and the Old
- Of the Title of This Work: the Bloody Theatre of the Anabaptists, Etc.
- Of the Name: Anabaptists
- Of Holy Baptism, and Why We Have Preferred It to All Other Articles, in Our History
- The Reason Why We Have Pointed Out the Article of Holy Baptism, and the Adherence of Anabaptism, From the Days of Christ to the Present Time:
- Reason Why We Have Called This Whole Work After the Anabaptists
- Answer to the Question, Whether All the People Mentioned in This Work, None Excepted, Have Confessed the Same That the Anabaptists of This Day Confess
- Statement in Regard to the Old Work
- Valedictory
- Of the Divine Service of the Church
- In What Points the Church of God Has Always Continued the Same
- Of the Stability, Durability, and Visible Characteristics of the Church of God
- The Church of God Obscured and Rendered Almost Invisible in Some Places; and What Has Been the Cause of It From Ancient Times
- The Succession of the Church of God, Personal Succession, and Succession of Doctrine
- Personal Succession
- Succession of Doctrine
- The Apostles' Creed
- Of Holy Baptism
- Of the Holy Supper
- Of the Office of Teacher and Deacon in the Church; Also How the Election To, and the Confirmation In, These Offices, Must Proceed, According to the Ordinance of God
- Of Feet Washing
- Of Marriage
- Of the Office of the Magistracy
- Of the Swearing of Oaths
- Of Separation
- Of Shunning
- Of the Second Coming of Christ, the Resurrection of the Dead, and the Last Judgment
- How Jacques D'Auchy Was Betrayed, Apprehended, and Fell Into the Hands of The
- Tyrants, and With What Punishment
- The Righteous God Visited This
- Tyrant and Traitor-A Memorable and Instructive Example to All Tyrants ,
- And Traitors
- A Letter By Claesken to Her Friends According to The
- Flesh, and Also According to the Spirit, Written In
- Prison, the 14th of March, A. D. 1559, At
- Which Time, Or Thereabouts, She, Her Dear
- Husband, and Her Brother Jacques, Were
- Put to Death For the Testimony of Jesus
- Another Letter Or Confession of Claesken
- Karel Van Tiegem, A. D. 1559
- Wolfgang Mair, and Wolfgang Hueber, in the Year 1559
- Jan Jans Brant, A. D. 1559
- Trijnken Keuts, A. D. 1559
- Fransken Vroevrouwe, Naentgen Leerver Koopster and Pleuntgen Van Der Goes, A. D. 1559
- Betgen, Neelken, and Mariken Franss, in the Year 1559
- Adriaen Pan and His Wife, A. D. 1559
- A Letter By Adriaen Pan, Written in Prison, in the Year 1559
- Another Letter By Adriaen Pan, Written After He Was Sentenced
- Hans De Vette, and Eleven Others, Put to Death For the Testimony of Jesus Christ, At Ghent, in Flanders, A. D. 1559
- Maeyken Kats, of Wervick in Flanders, Magdaleentken, Aechtken.Of Zierickzee, Old Maeyken, Grietgen Bonaventuers, and Maeyken De Korte, A. D. 1559
- A Letter From Maeyken De Korte
- A Letter Written By Jelis Bernaerts to His Wife
- Another Letter of Jelis Bernaerts to His Wife
- A Letter Written By Jelis Bernaerts to Brethren and Sisters, After He
- Was Sentenced
- Hans Vermeersch, Also Called Hans Van Maes, Put to Death At Waesten in Flanders, For the Testimony of Jesus Christ, A. D. 1559
- The First Letter of Lauwerens Van Der Leyen
- The Second Letter of Lauwerens Van Der Leyen
- A Brief Confession of Faith, and Part of the Disputation Which I, Lauwerens Van Der Leyen, Had On the Fourth of July, 1559, With the Lords of the Law, At Antwerp, and the Dean of Ronse
- Third Letter of Lauwerens Van Der Leyen
- Fourth Letter of Lauwerens Van Der Leyen
- Peter of Spain, Gomer the Mason, and Jacob the Goldsmith, A. D. 1560
- Deaf Betgen, Betgen of Ghent, and Lijsken Smits, A. D. 1560
- Lenaert Plower, Jenneken and Maeyken of Aix-La-Chapelle, A. D. 1560
- A Letter From Lenaert Plower to His Wife
- A Testament of Lenaert Plower, Which He Left His Children, While Imprisoned For the Word of the Lord, At Antwerp, Where He Laid Down His Life in the Beginning of the Year 1560
- Nicholas Felbinger and John Leytner, in the Year 1560
- Joris and Joachim, A. D. 1560
- Willem De Kleermaecker, A. D. 1560
- John Korbmacher, George Raeck and Eustace Kuter, A. D. 1560
- A Testament of Soetgen Van Den Route, Which She Left Her Children, David, Betgen and Tanneken, For A Memorial, and For the Best, and Which She Confirmed With Her Death, At Ghent, Flanders
- A Letter of Soetgen Van Den Houte to Her Brother and Sister, As Also to Her Children
- Joost Joosten, Burnt At Veer, in Zealand, A. D. 1560
- A Brief Letter From Joos Verbeeck, Written in Prison At Antwerp, to His Wife
- Julius Klampherer, A. D. .1561
- Orvel, Jan and Pleunis, A. D. 1561
- Franchoys Van Elstlandt, A. D. 1561
- John Schut, A. D. 1561
- Jan, Hendrick, Bastiaen, Fans, Mariken Van Meenen, Beetken Van Brugh, and Lijntgen, the 15th of August, A. D. 1561
- Twelve Christians At Bruges: Adriaen Brael, Lucas Hendricks, Marijn Amare, Nikasen Amare, Hansken Lisz, Andries De Meulenaer, Anthonis Keute, Hansken Parmenti$r, Jan N., Jelis Outerman, Francijntgen Meulenaers, Maeyken Trams, in the Year 1561
- Jan Hulle, At Ypres, A. D. 1561
- Pieter Van Maldegem, Pieter Van Male, Jacques Bostijn, and Lauwerens Allaerts, A. D. 1562
- Vijntgen, Goudeken, and Janneken De Jonkheer, Betgen Van Maldegem, and Sijntgen Van Gelder, A. D. 1562
- Guljame Van Dale, A. D. 1562
- Jelis Strings, With Pieter and Jelis Potvliet, A. D. 1562
- The First Letter of Jelis Strings
- The Second Letter of Jelis Strings
- George Friesen, A Cabinetmaker, and William Van Keppel, A. D. 1562
- An Admonition Which George Friesen Sent From Prison
- Martijntgen Aelmeers, 'A. D. 1562
- Nikasen Van Aelmeers, A. D. 1562
- Karel Van .Den Velde, With Proentgen His Wife, . Franchoys De Swarte, With Klaesken His Wife, Jasper the Shoemaker, Charlo De Wael, and Martijne Amare, in the Year 1562
- Jan Grendel, A. D. 1562
- Francis Van Der Sach and Anthony Welsch, A. D. 1562
- Jan De Swarte, Klaesken His Wife, Klaes, Christian, Hans and Mahieu, His Four Sons; Perceval Van Den Berge, Jan Maes, Pieter the Shoemaker, Hendrick Aerts, the Hatter, Janneken Cabiljaus His Wife, Kalleken Steens, and Her Man, in the Year, A. D. 1563
- Dirk Lamberts, Christian Van Wetteren, and Antonijn De Wale, A. D. 1563
- Joos Jans Put to Death, A. D. 1563
- Daniel Kalvaert, Burned, A. D. 1564
- Pieter Van Oosthove, A. D. 1564
- Steven De Graft; and Sijntgen, A. D.: 1564,
- Fierijntgen. Ketels, Leentgen Her Mother, With Pierijntgen and Marijntgen Van Male, in Tide Year A. D. 1564
- Pieter Van Der Meulen, A. D. 1564 .
- A Confession and Letter of Consolation of Maeyken Boosers, Imprisoned At Doornich, Where She Sealed Her Faith With Her Death
- Another Letter From Maeyken Boosers to Her Parents
- Another Letter From Maeyken Boosers, to the Brethren
- A Testament From Maeyken Boosers to Her Children
- Another, Short Letter From Said Mother to Her Children
- Another Letter From Maeyken Boosers, to Her Father and Mother
- Another Letter From Maeyken Boosers to Her Brethren and Sisters
- Willeboort Corneliss, Put to Death For the Evangelical Truth, At Middelborgh in Zealand, the 14th of September, in the Year 1564
- Prijntgen and Martijntgen Maelbouts, in the Year 1564
- A Letter of Mr. Jelis Matthijss, Written in Prison, At Middleborgh, A. D. 1564, Where He Laid Down His Life For the Name of the Lord
- Another Letter From Mr. Jelis Matthijss, Which He Wrote to His Wife
- Another Letter From Mr. Jelis Matthijss to His Wife
- A Testament By Jan Gerrits, Made While Imprisoned At the Hague For the Testimony of Jesus Christ, in December, A. D. 1564
- A Letter From Jan Gerrits to the Lutheran Preacher
- Another Letter From Jan Gerrits, to His Acquaintances
- Willem De Duyck, A. D. 1565
- Conrad Koch, A. D. 1565
- Here Follow Two Letters Which Conrad Koch Wrote From Prison
- The Second Letter, Written to His Brother A. of B.
- The First Letter, Which Matthias Servaes Wrote From Prison to H. K., His Brother in the Lord, and Also to His Other Fellow Members
- The Second Letter Which Matthias Servaes, of Kottenem Wrote in Prison to His Brother
- Matthias Servaes, of Kottenem the Third Letter of Matthias Servaes, Written to J. N.
- Matthias Servaes, of Kottenem the Fourth Letter, Which Matthias Servaes Wrote From Prison to All Brethren and Sisters in General
- The Fifth Letter Which Matthias Servaes Wrote From Prison, to His Mother, His Brother John, His Brother-In-Law Leonhard, and His Two Sisters
- The Sixth Letter Which Matthias Servaes of Kottenem Wrote From Prison, to His Dear Wife and Sister in the Lord, Who Was Also Imprisoned
- The Seventh Letter of Matthias Servaes, Written From Prison to J. N. and His Brethren
- The Eighth Letter of Matthias Servaes, Writ Ten From Prison to Aeltgen, His Wife
- The Ninth Letter of Matthias Servaes, Writ Ten From Prison to F. V. H.
- The Tenth Letter of Matthias Servaes, Which He Wrote From Prison to Mar. West
- John George, A. D. 1566
- John Mang, in the Year 1567
- Nicholas Geyer, A. D. 1567
- Karel Halling, A. D. 1567
- Adrian Du Rieu, A. D. 1567
- Letters of Christian Langedul Written During His Imprisonment
- Copy of A Letter Written By Hans ' Symons to His Wife, in His Bonds Or' Imprison Ment At Antwerp, in September, in the Year, A. D. 1567 '
- A Letter of Hans Symons, Which He Wrote in Prison At Antwerp, Where He, With Three Others Was Burnt, On the 13th of September, 1567
- A Letter Written By Cornelis the Shoemaker, to His Wife While in Bonds. He Was After Wards Burned With Three Others, Sealing This Letter With His Blood, in the Great Marketplace At Antwerp, the 13th of Sep Tember, 1567
- A Letter From Jacques Mesdagh
- Lucas De Groot Hanged, A. D. 1'568
- Jan Portier Burned, A. D. 1569
- Jan Van Paris, Pieter Van Cleves, Hendrick Maelschalck, and Lauwerens Pie Ters, A. D. 1568
- This Hendrick Maelschalck, On the 26th of January 1568, Wrote the Following Letter From Prison At Ghent
- Jacob Dircks, With His Two Sons, Andries Jacobs and Jan Jacobs, A. D. 1568
- Karel De Raet, and Grietgen His Wife, Hans Ken In'T Schaeck, Willem De Snijder, With Christijntgen His Wife, A. D. 1568
- Jan De Smit, Daniel De Paeu, Daniel Van Vooren, and Passchier Weyns, A. D. 1568
- Further Observation, Concerning the Death Sentences of the Aforementioned Martyrs
- The First Letter Which Jan Thielemans Wrote in Prison
- Another Letter Which Jan Thielemans Wrote From Prison.
- Claudine Le Vettre, and With Her A Brother, A. D. 1568
- Further Account of the Aforesaid Claudine Le Vettre
- Pieter Pieters Beckjen, Burnt Alive At Amsterdam, For the Testimony of Jesus Christ, On the 26th Day of February, A. D. 1569
- Sentence of Death of Pieter Pieters Beckjen
- Lauwerens Verkamer, A. D. 1569
- Sijntgen Vercoilgen, A. D. 1569
- Lippijntgen Stayerts, A. D. 1569
- Maerten Pieters and Grietgen Jans, A. D. 1569
- Dirk Willems, A. D. 1569
- An Epistle From Hendrick Alewijns, Sent to the Beloved Children of God in Zealand, Written in His Prison At Middleburgh, Where He Steadfastly Testified to the Truth of God With His Death, On the 9th of February, A. D. 1569
- This Is What Hendrick Alewijns Delivered to the Lords At the Rack
- Article I
- Article Ii
- Article Iii
- Article Iv
- Anpleunis Van Den Berge, A. D. 1569
- Jasper Den Taschrinkmaker, A. D. 1569
- Dirk Anoot and Willem De Zager, in the Year 1569
- Tanneken Van Der Meulen, Jaecxken Van Hussele, and Jaecxken Teerlings, in the Year of Our Lord 1569
- Joost Goethals, Roelandt and Pieter Stay Ert, Janneken Roelands and Ja14nexen De Jonckheere, in The- Year 1569
- Christoffel Buyze, Laurens Van Rentergen, Joost Meerssenier, and Grietgen Baets
- Old Pieter, Jan Waitier, Jan Van Raes, Wouter Denijs, Francais the Carpenter, and Kalleken, the Widow of Anpleunis Van Den Berge
- The First Letter of Wouter Denijs, to His Wife
- The Second Letter of Wouter Denijs and His Fellow Prisoners, to His Brethren and Sisters in the Lord
- A Third Letter of Wouter Denijs and His Fellow Prisoners
- Notice to the Christian Reader, Concerning the Following Sentences
- Extract From the Book of Criminal Sentences of the City of Amsterdam, Fol. 48, Verso. Preserved in the Archives There
- The First Letter of Jan Van Hasebroeck to His Wife
- The Second Letter of Jan Van Hasebroeck
- The Third Letter of Jan Van Hasebroeck
- Dirk Andriess, A. D. 1569
- Disputation Between Jacob De Keersgieter and Mr. Friar Cornelis, A Franciscan Monk; in the Presence of Mr. Jan Van Damme, Re Corder, and Mr. Michiel Houwaert, Clerk of the Criminal Court, On the 9th of May, A. D. 1569*
- The Second Letter of Jacob the Chandler, to the Church
- The Third Letter of Jacob the Chandler, to His Children
- Another Letter of Jacob the Chandler, Written in Prison
- Another Letter of Jacob the Chandler, Written in Prison; in Which He Admonishes His Fellow Ministers, Not to Flee As Hirelings, and to Let Christ'S Sheep Go Astray Through Lack of Instruction; But Faithfully to Discharge the Office Imposed Upon Them
- Adriaen Ol, A. D. 1569
- A Letter By Abraham Picolet, Written to His Sisters
- Another Letter of Tijs Jeuriaenss, Written in Prison to the Friends in Edam, A. D. 1569
- Sentence of Death of Willem Janss From Waterland
- Of the Twofold Torturings of the Aforesaid Martyr According to the Record of Said Secretary
- Jan Quirijnss, of Utrecht, A Skipper, After Being Twice Tortured, Executed With Fire, Or Burnt Alive, For the Testimony of Jesus Christ, At Amsterdam, On the 12th of March, A. D. 1569
- Cornelis Janss of Haerlem, A Sailor, Burnt For the Testimony of Jesus Christ, At Amsterdam, On the 12th of March, A. D. 1569
- Clement Hendrickss, A Sail Maker, Burnt For the Testimony of Jesus Christ, At Amsterdam, On the Twelfth of March, in the Year 1569
- Of the Torturing of the Above-Mentioned Clement Hendrickss, and When This Took Place
- A Letter of Jan Quirijnss, Imprisoned With Cornelis Janss and Clement Hendrickss, At Amsterdam, Where All Three Were Burned For the Testimony of Jesus Christ
- First Letter, Sent to One of His Acquaintances, Named Grietgen Dircks
- The Second Letter of Clement Hendrickss
- Third Letter of Clement Hendrickss, to His Father and Mother
- Fourth Letter of Clement Hendrdckss, to His Father and Mother
- Fifth Letter of Clement Hendrickss
- Four Friends Offered Up in Maestricht; Arent Van Essen; Ursel His Wife; Neelt Gen, An Old Woman; and Trijntgen, Her Daughter, in the Year 1570
- Anneken Ogiers, Daughter of Jan Ogiers, and Wife of Adriaen Boogaert, Drowned For the Testimony of Jesus Christ, At Haarlem, A. D. 1570
- Sentence of Death of Anneken, Jan Ogiers' Daughter
- Barber Jans, A. D. 1570
- Allert Janss, A. D. 1570
- Andries N., With His Father and Brother, A. D. 1570
- Andries N., A. D. 1570
- Joris Van Meesch and Jacob Lowijs About 1570
- Jan the Ribbon Weaver, Joost the Wheel Wright With His Wife, Maerten Van Wyjcke With Lijsken His Wife and Jelis the Mason, in the Year 1570
- Faes Dircks, and Two Others, A. D. 1570
- Copy of the Confession Made By Faes Dircks Imprisoned Here in Thiendewegs Gate
- Extract From the Book of Criminal Sentences of the Town of Gouda
- Adriaen Pieters and Barber Joosten, in the Year 1570
- Maerten Karettier, A. D. 1570
- Lijntgen Kemels, A. D. 1570
- A Letter of Joost Verkindert to His Wife, Mother, Brother, and Sister; Written On the 7th of June, Being the Ninth Day of His Imprisonment
- Another Edifying Letter and Exhortation of Joost Verkindert, Written in His Imprisonment, the 20th of June, to the Church of God At A.
- Another Letter of Joost Verkindert, Writ Ten On the 2nd of July, From Prison, to His Wife
- Another Letter of Joost Verkindert, Writ Ten From Prison, On the 12th of July, to His:, Mother
- Another Letter of Joost Verkindert, Writ Ten From Prison, to His Wife, On the 23d of July
- Another Letter of Joost Verkindert, Writ Ten to His Dear Wife, And, Generally, to All Brethren and Sisters in the Lord; in Which An Account Is Given of Sev Eral Disputations Held With the Bishop'S Commissary Concerning the Faith
- Another Letter of Joost Verkindert Writ Ten in Bonds to His Wife On the 20th of August
- Another Letter of Joost Verkindert, Writ Ten in His Bonds, to His Wife, On the 2d of September
- Another Letter of Joost Verkindert, Written to His Brothers, Michiel and Pleun, On the 7th of September, the 100th Day of His Imprisonment
- The Last Letter of Joost Verkindert, Written to His Wife After He Had Received His Sentence, and Was Brought to the Common Prison, It Being On the 12th of September
- Hans Van Den Wege, Janneken Van Hulle, and Janneken Van Rentegem, A. D. 1570
- The First Letter of Hansken Van Den Wege
- The Second Letter From Hansken Van Den Wege
- The Third Letter of Hansken Van Den Wege
- The Fourth Letter of Hansken Van Den Wege
- Here Follows A Letter Which Barbelken Goethals Wrote in Prison, and Sent to Jasper N., One of Her Fellow Believers
- Ten Persons, Men As Well As Women, Burned For the Testimony of Jesus Christ, At Dordrecht, About the Year 1570
- Jelis Claverss, Lijsabet, Wife of Class De Vries, Nelleken Jaspers, and With Them Thirty Three Other Persons, A. D. 1571
- Dirck Mieuwess, A. D. 1571
- Anneken Heyndricks, A. D. 1571
- Sentence of Death of Anneken Heyndricks, Surnamed De Vlaster
- Wolfgang Pinder, A. D. 1571
- Joost Van Der Straten, A. D. 1571
- Hans Van Der Straten A. D. 1571
- Gerrit Corneliss, A. D. 1571
- Sentence of Death of Gerrit Corneliss, Sur Named Boon
- The Two Torturings of Gerrit Corneliss, According to the Record in the Book of Criminal Sentences At Amsterdam
- Another Letter From Hendrick Verstralen to His Wife
- A Letter From Hendrick Verstralen, Written to His Brethren and Sisters
- A Letter Which Maeyken Deynoots Wrote to Her Brethren and Sisters, While Impris Oned, in the Year 1571, At Rijpermonde, Where She Also Had to Lay Down Her Life For the Truth'S Sake
- Another Letter From Maeyken Deynoots, to Her Brother and Sister
- Three Letters of Adriaen Janss. Hoedemaecker, Written in Prison At Rijssel
- The First Letter From Adriaen Janss Hoedemaecker, to His Wife
- The Second Letter From Adriaen Janss Hoedemaecker to His Wife
- The Third Letter From Adriaen Janss Hoedemaecker
- A Letter From Ydse Gaukes, Skipper, Which He Wrote in Prison, At Deventer, to His Brother, and to the Friends, According to the Spirit
- The Second Letter of Ydse Gaukes
- The Third Letter of Ydse Gaukes, Written in Prison in Deventer
- Hans Misel, A. D. 1571
- Jan Block Burnt For the Faith, At Nimeguen, A. N. 1572
- A Letter Written By Jan Block
- Heyndrick Van Eckelo, A. D. 1572
- A Young Man From Nimeguen Burnt At Hertogenbosch, A. D. 1572
- Further Observation Concerning the Death of Jan Wouterss Van Kuyck and Adriaen Ken Jans of Molenaersgraef
- Touching the Persons That Were Then in the Court of Justice, and Consequently, Sat in Judgment in Regard to This Sen Tence; They Were the Following:
- The First Letter From Jan Wouterss, to His Brother-In-Law and His Sister, Which Treats of His Examination and Torture
- The Second Letter From Jan Wouterss, Written to His Brother and His Sisters
- The Third Letter From Jan Wouterss, to the Church of God At Dortrecht, Who Were Scattered Everywhere For the Testimony of Christ
- The Fourth Letter From Jan Wouterss, to His Wife
- The Sixth Letter From Jan Wouterss, to His Only Daughter in Particular
- The Seventh Letter From Jan Wouterss, to His Father and Mother
- The Eighth Letter From Jan Wouterss, to His Sister-In-Law, Who Was Still Among the Papists, and in the Romish Faith
- The Ninth Letter From Jan Wouterss, to His Youngest Three Sisters
- The Tenth Letter From Jan Wouterss, to His Oldest Brother-In-Law and Sister
- The Eleventh Letter From Jan Wouterss, to P. J., His Youngest Brother-In-Law
- A Confession of Faith, to the Bailiff and the Council Then Residing in Dortrecht, By Jan Wouterss; Together With A Brief Explanation Exhorting Them to Repentance
- A Letter to Said Adriaenken Jans in Her Bonds. Sent By Her Husband
- Touching the Court Proceedings and Death Sentences of the Aforementioned Martyrs
- Maertens Janss, A Corn Porter, and Jan Hen Drickss of Swartewael, A Steersman, Both Put to Death At the Stake, At Delft, in Holland, A. D. 1572
- Extract of the Sentence of Maerten Janss, Corn Porter, Citizen of This City, and Jan Hendrickss of Swartewael, Steersman, Put to Death With Fire
- Some Examinations of Jan Hendrickss
- Another Letter By Jan Hendrickss, to Maer Ten Janss, His Fellow Prisoner
- Another Letter From Jan Hendrickss to Pouwels and Aechtgen, His Brother and Sister, For An Admonition to Them, and Finally For A Farewell
- Sentence of Death of Sander Wouterss of Bommel and Evert Hendricks of Warendorp
- Hans Knevel, A. D. 1572
- A Testament Written By Mattheus Bernaerts, Called Van Lincken, Imprisoned in Ghent, to His Children, Janneken, Joosken and Mijntken
- A Thanksgiving Before and After Eating, Which Mattheus Bernaerts, Called Van Lincken, Composed in His Prison and Sent to His Children
- Another Letter By Said Adrian Rogiers, Writ Ten in Prison to His Wife
- Another Letter From Adrian Rogiers to His Wife, Written in Prison At Ghent
- The First Letter From Maerten Van Der Straten to His Wife
- The Second Letter From Maerten Van Der Straten to His Wife
- Third Letter From Maerten Van Der Straten, to His Wife
- The Fourth Letter From Maerten Van Der Straten, to Anna Servaes
- The Fifth Letter of Maerten Van Der,Straten, , to Servaes Janss
- The Sixth Letter From Maerten Van Der Straten, and Beliken His Wife, to Adam V. L. and His Wife
- Jan Smit, A. D. 1572
- Pierijntgen Loosveldt, Or Neckers, A. D. 1572
- Michiel Van Bruyssel, and Barberken His Wife, A. D. 1573
- Jan Van Ackeren, A. D. 1573
- G. Kleermaecker, With Sijntgen Van Rous Selare and Maeyken Gosens, Put to Death For the Truth, At Antwerp, A. D. 1573
- A Letter From Sijntgen Van Rousselare
- Francoys Van Leuven, Hansken Van Ouden Aerden and Grietgen Van Sluys, in the Year 1573
- Lippijntgen Stayaerts, Sijntgen Barninge, Or Lame Sijntgen, A. D. 1573
- A Letter From Jacob Van Den Wege, Written to His Wife, in the Beginning of His Im Prisonment, At Ghent, in the Huys Ter Lucht, At the End of the Meulenaers Street
- Another Letter From Jacob Van Den Wege, to His Wife, and His Brethren and Sisters
- Another Letter From Jacob Van Den Wege, Written in His Bonds, to Other Prisoners
- Another Letter By Jacob Van Den Wege
- The Last Words Written By Jacob Van Den Wege, After He Had Received Word That He Was to Die
- A Testament Made By Maeyken Van Deventer For Her Children
- A Prayer By Said Maeyken Van Deventer
- Further Observation
- The Letters and Testimonies of Maeyken Wens, Wife of Mattheus Wens, Mason, in His Lifetime A Minister of the Church of God At Antwerp; Offered Up the 6th of October, 1573
- The Second Letter From Maeyken Wens, Written to Her Husband
- The Third Letter From Maeyken Wens, Writ Ten in Prison At Antwerp, the 21st of April, A. D. 1573, to Her Son
- The Fourth Letter From Maeyken Wens Written to Her Son
- The Fifth Letter From Maeyken Wens, Writ Ten to Jan De Metser, Minister
- A Letter Which Hans Van Munstdorp Wrote to His Wife, When They Were Both in Bonds in the Prison At Antwerp, For the Testimony of Jesus Christ
- [Testament] Written to Janneken My Own Dearest Daughter, While I Was (Unwor Thily) Confined For the Lord'S Sake, in Prison, At Antwerp, A. D. 1573
- Copy of A Letter By Janneken Munstdorp'S Own Hand, Written At Antwerp in Prison to Her Father and Mother, On the 19th of September, A. D. 1573
- Another Letter From Janneken Munstdorp, Wife of Hans Van Munstdorp, to Her Sister; Written When She Was Confined in Prison At Antwerp, For the Testimony of Jesus Christ, and Sentenced With Three Others to Be Burnt; Written At One O'Clock in the Night, the 5th of October, in the Year Off' Our Lord 1573
- Anthonis Ysbaerts, A. D. 1573
- Fifty-Four Persons, Brethren As Well As Sisters, Namely, Thirty-Seven At Antwerp and Seventeen At Brussels, Very Unmercifully Burnt For the Testimony of Jesus Christ, in the Year 1574
- Adriaen Hoedemaecker and Mattheus Keuse, A. D. 1574
- Hans Peltner, A. D. 1574
- Divers Examinations of Reytse Aysess Before the Commissary, Pastors, Priests, Bishops, and Others
- Another Confession. Which Reytse Aysess Made Before the Bishop, On the Sth of January, A. D. 1574
- Another Confession of Reytse Aysess, Made Before An Arrogant Priest; Together With An Epistle Or Exhortation to the Friends
- An Epistle Or Exhortation of Reytse Aysess, Written to the Friends
- Another Confession of Reytse Aysess, Made Before the Commissary
- A Letter From Reytse Aysess, Written to His Father
- A Letter From Reytse Aysess, Written to His Mother
- A Letter From Reytse Aysess, Written to His Wife
- Another Letter From Reytse Aysess, Written to His Wife
- Sentence and Death of Reytse Aysess
- Olivier Willemss, of Nimeguen, Burnt Alive For the Practice of the Evangelical Truth, Together With Two Young Maidens, At Antwerp, A. D.' 1574
- Further Observation Touching the Person of Olivier Willemss, As Also Concerning His Suffering and Death
- Extracts From the Court Records of Criminal and Civil Matters of the City of Antwerp
- Jacob the Cobbler and His Wife, Grietjen, Van Bruyssel, Anneken Van Bruyssel, Tanne Ken Walraven, A. D. 1575
- Claes Van Armentierss, And, Lijntgen, A Young Maiden, A. D. 1575
- Extract From A Writing By Gerrit Van Byler'S Own Hand, Handed to Us By His Son Jan Van Byler; Written in Prison, At London, and Confirmatory of the Foregoing
- Extract From the Appended Matters in the Old Martyrs Mirror, Edition of 1631, Page 964, Col. 2
- Two Letters Written By These Imprisoned Friends, As We Have Found Them in A Small, Old, Printed Book
- A Letter From Jaques De Somere, Sent to His Mother, At Ghent
- The Following Writings Also Appear to Have Been Drawn Up Partly By the Assistance of Said Jaques De Somere, As A Fa Vor to the Prisoners, With Their Consent
- A Confession of Faith of the Prisoners in England, in Connection With the Pre Ceding Supplication
- Answer to the Letter of John Fox; Written By the Prisoners At London, A. D. 1575
- Matthijs Binder, A. D. 1576
- The First Letter From Raphel Van Den Velde, Written to His Wife
- Another Letter From Raphel Van Den Velde Written to His Brethren and Sisters
- Another Letter From Raphel Van Den Velde, Written to His Wife
- Another Letter From Raphel Van Den Velde, Written to His Wife
- Another Letter From Raphel, Van Den Velde, Written to His Son
- The Last Letter From Raphel Van Den Velde, Written to His Wife After He Had Received The Message That He Was to Die
- To Claes Schepens
- Louwerens the Shoemaker, A. D. 1576
- The First Letter of Hans Bret, Written On Monday After Whitsuntide, A. D. 1576, At Antwerp, in Prison; to His Dear and Beloved Mother
- Another Letter From Hans Bret, Written and Sent to His Brother David, Who Lived Abroad, and Had Not Yet Come to the Knowledge of the Truth
- Another Letter From Hans Bret, Written to His Beloved Mother, the 5th. of July, 1576
- Another Letter From Hans Bret, Written From A Dark Pit Into Which He Had Been Cast, and Sent to One of the Sisters in the Faith, .On A Sunday in August, 1576
- Another Letter From Hans Bret, Written to Hans C., One of the Brethren in the Church
- Letter of Privilege Granted By William I, to the Anabaptists At Middelborgh
- Louwerens Janss Noodtdruft, of Delft, A. D. 1577
- Hans De Ruyter, With His Wife and Daughter, A. D. 1577
- Charge of William I, to the Magistrate At Middleborgh
- Hendrick Sumer and Jacob Mandel, A. D. 1582
- Melchoir Platser, A. D., 1583
- Andries Pirchner, A. D. 1594
- Leonhart Sumeraver, A. D. 1584
- Anneken Botson, Janneken Her Daughter, and Maeyken Pieters, A. D. 1585
- Wolfgang Raufer, George Pruckmair, and Hans Aicher, A. D. 1585
- Of the Mandate Published Against the An Abaptists in the Duchy of Prussia (But Not Unto Death), On the 12th Ox November, A. D. 1516
- Christian Gasteyger, A. D. 1586
- Concerning the Decree Emitted Against the Anabaptists in the Jurisdiction Of-Koenigs Berg and Its Cities and Suburbs, On Pain of Corporal Punishment and Loss of Their Property, A. D. 1587
- Michael Vischer, A. D. 1587
- A Statement How He Was Examined By the Magistrates, and How the Pastor Wanted to Prove Infant Baptism to Him, and How Severely They Assailed Him
- Another Letter From Christiaen Rijcen Writ Ten to A Brother, That He Would Aid His Wife (If He Should Be Put to Death) in Getting to Holland; Together With Other Comforting Re Marks
- Another Letter From Christiaen Rijcen, Writ Ten to His Wife, in Which He Writes That He Has Learned That No Comfort Had Come For Him From the Court, Though the Recorder Had Come Home; Where Fore He Consoled Himself in the Lord
- Another Comforting Letter From Christiaen Rijcen, Written to His Wife, in Which He Exhorts Her to Perseverance in the Fear of God, and Informed Her, How the Pastor of Houten Had Tempted Him, Promising Him to Help Him Out, If He Would Hearken to Him
- Another Letter From Christiaen Rijcen; He Thanks His Wife For the Comforting Passages of Scripture Which She Had Sent Him, and Informs Her That the Bailiff Came, and That He Clearly Under Stands From the Priests That There Is No Hope of Freedom, For in the Council of Trent All Coun Tries Were Denied Us, As Be Ing the Worst Sect Under Heaven
- Another Consolatory Letter From Chris Tiaen Rijcen, Written to His Wife, When He Supposed That His Case Should Be Disposed Of; and How Some Console Him With the Conclusion Of] Peace That He Should Then Be Released
- Christiaen Rijcen Exhorts His Wife Firmly to Trust in the Lord, and Informs Her, That He Was Assailed Once More This Week By the Pastor and A Franciscan Friar, Who Tempted Him By Threats and Fair Words to Apostatize; and of the Terror That Came Upon Him the Following Night
- Christiaen Rijcen Informs His Wife, That He Had Expected to Receive His Sentence, and That He Had An Iron On His Leg For Eight Een Or Nineteen Days, With A Log, Upon the Straw, But That Now Again He Had A Little More Comfort
- Pieter Saymer, A. D. 1588
- The First Letter of Joost De Tollenaer
- The Second Letter From Joost De Tollenaer
- Another Letter From Joost De Tollenaer, to His Mother
- A Testament From Joost De Tollenaer, to His Daughter
- Leonhard Boltzinger, A. D. 1591
- George Wanger, A. D. 1591
- Jacob Platser, A. D. 1591
- The First Letter From Bartholomeus Panten, Written to His Brother Karel, Residing At Harlem
- The.Second Letter From Bartholomeus Panten, Being An Instruction From the Word of the Lord, to All Lovers of the Truth; Together With A Brief Account of His Examination
- A Testament From Bartholomeus Panten to His Little Daughter, Who After Her Father'S Death Was Put Into A Convent By the Priests; the Lord Grant That She May Yet Be Brought Into the Right Way
- Thomas Han, A. D. 1592
- Mattheus Mair, A. D. 1592
- Transcript
- Aeltgen Baten, and Maeyken Wouters, A. D. 1595
- Here Follows A Letter Which Maeyken Wou Ters Wrote From Prison to Her Par Ents, and to Others of Her Fel Low Believers
- Anneken Van Den Hove, 1597
- Further Observation Touching the Cause of Death of Anneken Van Den Hove
- Of the Destruction of Some Tyrants of This Last Persecution
- Conclusion of the Sixteenth Century
- Summary of the Martyrs in the Seventeeth Century
- Of A Decree Published By Those of Groningen and Sneeck Against the Anabaptists, A. D. 1601
- The Decree*
- Further Observation
- Four Persons, Namely, Huybert Op Der Stra Ten, Tijnken His Wife, Pieter Ten Hove, and Lijsken Te Linschoten, Near Wit Gensteyn Led Around the Gallows, Scourged, and Banished From the Country, A. D. 1601
- Hemes Nimrich, A Teacher of the Anabaptists, Together With Several Others, Scourged Out of the City, For the Tes Timony of Jesus Christ, Hemes Hav Ing Previously Been Led Through Under the Gallows, A. D. 1605
- Marcus Eder and Hans Poltzinger, A. D. 1605
- Hans Landis, A. D. 1614
- Further Observations Touching the Person and Death of Hans Landis
- Further Observation, A. D. 1619
- Remarks As to What Followed Hereupon
- Of An Edict of Those of Deventer Against (Among Others) the So Called Mennonists Or Anabaptists, A. D. 1620
- Edict
- Of Severe Slanders Against the Anabaptists in the Province of Holland, Etc. (To in Stigate to Persecution) , and How They Defended Themselves to the States of Said Country, On the 8th of October, A. D. 1626
- Of the Only God, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
- Of the Incarnation of the Son of God
- Progress of the Inauguration of the Afore Said Last Swiss Persecution, in the Castles Wadischwyl, Knonow, and Groeningen, As Also in the Consistory At Zurich, in the Years 1636 and 1637
- Of the Afore-Mentioned Persecution Itself, How It Occurred, and in What Manner Twelve Brethren Were Apprehended, and Imprisoned At Zurich, in the Place Othenbach (With Some Criminals); and How It Terminated With Them, A. D. 1637
- Hans Meyli, Sr., and His Son'S Wife, About the Year 1638*
- Catharina Mulerin, A. D. 1639
- Four Sisters, Namely, Barbara Meylin, Ot- Tila Mulerin, Barbara Kolbin, and Elizabeth Meylin, A. D. 1639
- Elizabeth Hilzin, A. D. 1639
- Hans Van Uticken, A. D. 1639
- Burckhardt Aman, A. D. 1639
- Jacob Egli, A. D. 1639
- Ulli Schedme, Surnamed Schneider, in the Year 1639
- Jacob Rusterhel From Horgerberg, in the Year 1639
- Stephen Zehender of Byrmensdorf, in the Year 1639
- Ulrich Schneider, With His Two Sons, in the Year 1639
- Henry Gutwol of Lehnmer, A. D. 1639
- Hans Jacob Hess, With His Wife, A. D. 1639
- Werner Phister and His Son'S Wife, in the Year 1640
- Gallus Schneider, A. D. 1640
- Rudolph Bachman, A. D. 1640
- Ulrich Muller, A. D. 1640
- Of A Certain Supplication Addressed and Delivered By Those of Amsterdam, in Februuary, 1642, to the Council of the City of Zurich, For Mitigation of the Perse Cution Raised; and of the Answer Which, in June of the Same Year, Followed Thereupon, By Those of Zurich
- Felix Landis, With His Wife Adelheid Egli, About A. D. 1642
- Rudolf Suhner, About A. D. 1643
- Three Sisters, Namely, Elizabeth Bachmanni, Elssa Bethezei, and Sarah Wanrij, About A. D. 1643
- Verena Landis, A. D. 1643
- Barbara Neeft, About A. D. 1643
- Barbly Ruff, About A. D. 1643
- Henry Boller, About A. D. 1644
- An Edict Published By Those of Schaffhau Sen Against Those Called Anabap Tists, About the Year 1650
- Of A Certain Mandate Published By the Prince of Neuburg, Against the Anabap Tists (So Called), About the Year 1653
- Lilly Wagman, and Another Brother, in the Year 1654
- Of A Certain Writing From Mackenheym, Being A Defense of the Persecuted Swiss Brethren, Or Refutation of A Letter Accusing Them, Sent From Zurich to Amsterdam, A. D. 1658
- Seven Teachers and Elders of the Church of Jesus Christ Imprisoned At Berne, Namely, Uly Bogart, Anthony Hinnel Berg, Jegly Schlebach, Hans Zaug, Uly Baumgarter, Christian Chris Tians; and Rhode Peters, in the Year 1659
- Extract From the First Letter, Dated the 7th of April, 1671, From Obersultzem
- Extract From the Second Letter From Ober Sultzem, the 23d Day of May, 1671
- Extract From the Third Letter From Ober Sultzem, the 13th of October, 1671
- Extract From the Fourth Letter, Dated November 2d, 1671
- Fifth Extract From the Same, Obersultzem, On the 5th of January, 1672
- Hans Haslibacher, A. D. 1571
- Concerning What Was Done For the Deliver Ance of the Last-Mentioned Prisoners, As Also For the Mitigation of the Edict of Those of Berne, By Their High Mighti Nesses the Lords States General, and Some Rulers of Dutch Cities, in the Year 1660
- The States, Etc.
- The States, Etc.
- Copy
- Copy (Translated From the Latin)
- Prayer For the Secular Power
- Advertisement
- First Part
- The Superscription of the Letter to the Government of Berne
- The Superscription of the Letter to the Government of Zurich
- Tertullian'S Consolation and Encouragement to the Martyrs in Prison in the Time of the Heathen Emperors, in the Year 200
- Editorial Notes On Indexes
- On the Use of Indexes